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It starts with a Thought then becomes a Life form: Player be warned

Iran to Respond to “Battlefield 3” with “Attack on Tel Aviv” Computer Game
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian computer game programmers will soon release “Attack on Tel Aviv” in a retaliatory move against “Battlefield 3” videogame which depicts a US assault on Tehran.

Speaking to FNA on Saturday, Executive-Manager of Iran’s National Foundation of Computer Games Behrooz Minaei told FNA that the foundation will fund the project, and announced that many Iranian computer game programmers have voiced preparedness to contribute a role in the project.

Minaei said that Battlefield 3 has many technical and video faults, adding that the location of the game in Tehran is “unacceptable”.

He said that Iran has sent letters to the US videogame company, Electronic Arts (EA), and voiced its protest at the latest version of Battlefield, but the opposite side has not yet responded to the letter.

In November, Iran banned the computer game, depicting US amour and aircraft launching an assault on Tehran.

“All computer stores are prohibited from selling this illegal game,” Iran’s deputy police chief said.

A Tehran-based IT union warned all shops to abide by the ban. “Battlefield 3”, made by US videogame company Electronic Arts (EA), is based on a fictional near-future in which players take on the role of US Marines tackling shootem-up missions in Paris, New York and Tehran.

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The most dangerous drug isn’t meow meow. It isn’t even alcohol …

The most dangerous drug isn’t meow meow. It isn’t even alcohol …
Newspapers are the biggest threat to the nation’s mental wellbeing

Mephedrone, otherwise known as meow meow. Photograph: Rex Features
I’m a lightweight; always have been. I didn’t get properly drunk until I was 25, on a night out which culminated in a spectacular public vomiting in a Chinese restaurant. Ever wondered what the clatter of 60 pairs of chopsticks being simultaneously dropped in disgust might sound like? Don’t ask me. I can’t remember. I was too busy bitterly coughing what remained of my guts all over the carpet.
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More very guilty fuckers…

BRANTFORD, ON, CANADA – Mass graves of Mohawk children have been uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970.

According to Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States (, the Mohawk Institute was “set up by the Anglican Church of England in 1832 to imprison and destroy generations of Mohawk children. This very first Indian [First Nations] residential school in Canada lasted until 1970, and, like in most residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned there never returned. Many of them are buried all around the school.”
Preliminary scanning by ground penetrating radar adjacent to the now closed main building Mohawk Institute has revealed that “between 15-20 feet of soil” was brought in and put over the mass graves just before the Mohawk Institute closed in 1970 in order to camouflage the mass graves of Mohawk Children and avoid prosecution for genocide and crimes against humanity under the Geneva Conventions, the International Criminal Court, and cooperating national courts.
Read on..

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Thought for today

Hi Universe,

So from the essence of William Kennedy, today’s thoughts include:
Focus on the achievements not the bereavements

Essentially what this is about for me is focusing on what I have achieved in the 24 hours allotted to me in each day, instead of getting to bedtime and going oh shit I forgot this and that..blah blah blah… when I have, on any day achieved so much.
Hope it helps someone
Hugs N Beer

Bill xx

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My Dearest Love Leone

My Nearest and Dearest Leone xx
Leone has some absolute Gems to share if you take time to sit with yourself.

Its often hard to describe the vastness of insights and awareness that Leone has shared. One things for sure, its a heck of a ride and we signed up for it a LONG time ago.

I just wish I could find that contract, would make it easier sometimes, that said what is the point of just reading the prologue and epilogue, its about the whole book.

Love and Hugs xx